Marcus Ranney
Marcus Ranney

Founder and CEO of Human Edge


Dr Marcus Ranney is a healthcare and technology entrepreneur. He holds a BSc and MSc from University College Medical School in London. His expeditions have taken him to climb the sides of Everest, ski in the Arctic and European Alps, and serve as a medical officer in the Royal Air Force and at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

After practising clinical medicine in London, he moved to Mumbai, where he has since worked in a variety of roles in the healthcare and life sciences industry - currently as General Manager of Thrive Global in India, a US-based behaviour change technology and media company founded by Arianna Huffington. A published author, public health commentator and keynote speaker, he was selected as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum in 2013. Augmenting his contributions towards planetary health, the Covid-19 pandemic brought Marcus back to the front-lines, first as a medical volunteer and then via his not-for-profit social initiave MedsForMore. He has authored a best selling book, ‘At The Human Edge’.

Marcus is a Founder of Human Edge, data-driven company that brings the science of performance and longevity to the workplace. By partnering with organisations around the world, they deliver a range of technology-enabled business solutions to build and sustain the competitive advantage of wellbeing.

The speaker talks about:

A champion of wellbeing, Marcus believes that the only way to make a lasting difference to the lives of billions of people around the world is to promote the positive aspects of health, rather than focusing solely on pathogenesis and disease.

Keynote Speaker Programs:

  • Planetary Health
  • Biohacking for optimum performance
  • AI and Digital Health
  • Workforce Longevity
  • Employee Wellbeing

Marcus Ranney`s Keynote Speaker Fee: Please inquire

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